Thursday 26 August 2010

Comment is free

The Times Higher’s comments section is open access. You can just leave a message right there using whatever name you like. Unsurprisingly, this system will not last due to online crazies, posters having arguments with themselves / patting themselves on the back, and the antics of general irritants. That and the ubiquitous spambots, peddling Uggboots on the site each night.

But one of the nice things about free comment is the speed and volume of discussion you get. Working here also gives me the pleasure of seeing live comments about comments. The staff respond to regular supporters like old friends (which I’m sure they are – one of my calls was greeted today by a professor offering ‘anything for the Times Higher’), but also get a bit antsy when academics leave criticisms about patchy articles, unadorned graphs and uncited research. Although people here know much more than us about HE policy and have an impressive knack of conjuring up names and numbers of previously unreachable managers and politicians, they are still high-speed hacks, with an eye on the big picture. And when dealing with academics brought up on fine detail, it’s no surprise that people get upset now and again.

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